The Pinafore Dress

Happy New Year! I realise I’m massively late saying this but as usual I’ve been a bit rubbish at keeping to my own set schedule and this post that was originally planned before Christmas also missed the first week of January waggon as well. But nonetheless I hope your 2018 has started fabulously and I’m excited to get sharing with you…

Now it’s obviously not the first time I’ve made something for Miss P but normally I have kept it simple and stuck to the usual winter hats and scarves. I did venture in to the odd cardi as you might remember from this post in the summer but until recently thats been it.

Something pushed me to try something more ambitious and after making this pastel dress I made recently I finally had the confidence to have a go at creating an item from scratch.

I instantly knew it needed to be a vintage stlye pinafore dress and I had been desperate to make something in a lovely mustard shade for months. Its a colour that just sums up Autumn to me and is bold without being too offensive. I used Drops Paris in Mustard and the weight of the yarn was perfect. Its not too heavy but as its cotton it has great stitch definition and stays cool when layered up.

I’ve created the skirt to have a slightly fuller ruffle and subtle ribbing on the waist band.

The back features cross over straps and are finished off with some small brass buttons I found in my stash.

I am so in love with this little dress and thankfully the little lady of the house seems to be equally as impressed. The only thing I cant decide on is to pocket or not to pocket? I’ve dithered over adding one to the top chest piece or two smaller ones on the skirt or leaving it as it is… I just cant decide. Help!

I have written the pattern up for this size so once I’ve manged to adjust it for other sizings I will pop it up on my shop

Miss B Signature

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